Larry Hogan, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, is claiming that, if elected, he will single-handedly break the partisan gridlock in D.C. There’s no chance he can do this.
If Hogan is elected, the Senate would likely flip to a Republican majority.
Hogan would be a JUNIOR senator with no seniority and would have only ONE vote in a Senate body that’s overwhelmingly controlled by MAGA Republicans.
He would have as much chance of influencing the Republicans in the U.S. Senate as he did of bucking the Democrats in the Maryland General Assembly when he was governor: None.
Democrats currently have a slim majority in the U.S. Senate — a majority that’s in danger of disappearing in January. With so much riding on this election, Democrats must ask:
To understand the likely Republican Senate agenda, just look at the Republican Platform for 2024 and Project 2025:
In addition, if presented by a Democratic president, a Republican Senate would delay or deny judicial nominations for federal courts at every level — including the Supreme Court. (Remember when GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to hold a hearing for Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court, reserving that seat for an ultra-right-wing judicial activist appointed by Trump?)
Several Supreme Court justices are in their 70s and will soon need to be replaced, perhaps by the next president. The Senate plays the leading role in appointing justices. And the Supreme Court, as we’ve painfully learned, can shape American society in anti-democratic ways.
As one so-called moderate senator among 50 Republicans influenced to greater or lesser degrees by MAGA ideology, Larry Hogan would have no chance to advance his “bi-partisan, common sense solutions,” as he proclaims on his campaign website, much less get them passed. His “solutions” are not the priorities of the MAGA-riddled GOP.
For example, Hogan has said that he will vote to restore Roe v Wade. But with a Republican Senate, he will never have the chance — that vote will never come up.
Hogan is backed by MAGA super PACs and dark money donors who are looking forward to a Republican majority in the Senate to enact their terrifying agenda, including banning abortion access. And Hogan was recruited to run by Sen. McConnell, so how beholden would he be to the GOP? How important to him is GOP support for his own political aims (the presidency?)?
Hogan claims that the Republicans will not be able to count on his vote, but will he be willing to vote with the Democrats in opposition to his party? Or will he instead vote “Present” on major issues (much like he refused to either sign or veto many pieces of legislation while he was governor, not taking a stand either way)? That will not break the gridlock.
Angela Alsobrooks is the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate for Maryland. Her priorities embrace and promote our Democratic values. She will work with a Democratic Senate for these things:
So, we must ask ourselves: What is important to me?
Democracy? Reproductive rights? LGBTQ+ rights and dignity? Personal freedom? Voting rights? Kindness? Respect for individuals? Safety?
Will these be threatened or taken away by a GOP Senate?
Am I willing to live in an America without them?
Make sure we preserve our way of life and Democratic values. Vote for Angela Alsobrooks to keep the U.S. Senate Democratic.
For more information on this topic, check out former Del. Maggie McIntosh’s talk with the Kent Co. Democratic Club.
Jan Plotczyk spent 25 years as a survey and education statistician with the federal government, at the Census Bureau and the National Center for Education Statistics. She retired to Rock Hall.
Title image: Pond at Pickering Creek Audubon Center, Talbot Co. Photo: Jan Plotczyk