President Biden has often declared that he wants to reclaim the soul of America. Although I think I know what he means, I also think he misspeaks. What he really wants is to reclaim the ideal soul of America, which is a totally different thing. When we take a good, hard look at the soul of America through the lens of history, we understand that the true soul of America to date has been one of exploitation — of people, land, and natural resources.
The people whose ancestors lived here before the European invasion are only a very small remnant of the once-proud natives, now scattered, their numbers decimated, their cultures and languages teetering on the brink of total extermination.
The people whose ancestors were brought here in chains, bought and sold as chattel, are still being treated as less-than human, still required to make bricks out of straw to earn their living, and still denied their rights under the law.
And then there are the women of every color, ethnicity, creed, and religion. No Equal Rights Amendment exists to guarantee women equal pay for equal work, equal opportunity in the workplace, and equal respect within the society. (Just look at all the push-back against the president trying to make the Supreme Court more reflect our citizenry.)
Our land, air, and water are so endangered from pollution and the effects of climate change that we humans have proliferated that the world may not be able to sustain life as we know it by the end of this century — and much of the land we live on right here on the Eastern Shore is likely to be swallowed up by the bay and ocean we love.
The Founding Fathers had a very limited view of who mattered in this ‘new’ country, and those ‘originalists’ who want to live by the Constitution as it was first written seem to dis-remember that most of them were not included. Their current efforts to exclude anyone who might disagree with their so-called rights to power would be laughable if they weren’t so detrimental to the ideal that was intended.
At the public press conference to announce his impending retirement, Justice Stephen Breyer reminded us that the Constitution is a guide for our experiment in democracy. Whether it can withstand the current assault on freedom and equality by the Big Lie, gerrymandering, institutional paralysis, and violence of every kind against individuals and organizations — to say nothing of the vicious attack on the very halls of government — is a story yet to be written. Whether it will be written by big money and white power or whether it will be fashioned by the people of every possible variety and point of view who are the true intended ideal soul of America matters. It matters more than anything.
So, Mr. President, I am also anxious to reclaim the ideal of America’s soul. It is our everyday task until it is realized — and it must be the first and the primary one on our agenda.
Lanny Parks has always loved books. She was a librarian at the EPFL in Baltimore, at Kent School, and Queen Anne’s County, and owned a local bookstore. Her weekly newspaper column ran for over 20 years. She has lived with her family in Chestertown for over 50 years.
Title image: Pond at Pickering Creek Audubon Center, Talbot Co. Photo: Jan Plotczyk